Highest Rated Comments

penguinland231 karma

I have heard that being in space weakens one's immune system. Is this true? Did you have any trouble from it? Do people on the ISS ever catch diseases? If so, how do sick days work?

Thanks for doing this!

penguinland105 karma

To be honest, I think NASA is doing fine on the exploration front. If I were to change something, it would be to make the American public aware of all the amazing things that have come out of NASA. I know far too many people who think NASA is a waste of money because they don't produce anything useful (and then they get surprised when I reply that NASA really does make stuff that they use every day).

Any chance of having some kind of PR campaign to get the word out? You guys have the facts behind you; just tell people about them more! I suspect your budget would be slashed less often if people understood that investments in NASA have paid for themselves many times over in the commercial success of stuff they invented.

penguinland2 karma

On behalf of the folks in /r/izzard, thank you for doing this AMA!

You have performed your shows in English, French, and now German, and you say you'd like to perform in Russian and Arabic in the future. How well do your jokes translate into other languages and other cultures? Have you needed to change, cut out, or expand any parts to suit different languages/audiences?