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pathn631 karma

If you ever would be interested in checking out a beautiful country such as Sweden! I would love to buy you guys a round of drinks or treat you with some of our best food! Would you be interested in seeing Sweden before it is too "late"? Let me know if you ever plan to travel here. Best of luck to you! I feel empathy for you and your brother!

pathn9 karma

What do you think about your future? Like completing school and getting a job? What prospects is there for someone that have that kind of disability?

pathn6 karma

How does a computer make it easier? Do you think companies will hire you over someone else that might or might not be more efficient since sight is till the sense that you use at most to perform in almost any job. I feel people having disabilities at least here where i live get a real hard time getting a job due to the fact that someone without it will "pay" more for the company. Sad but true; at least here.

pathn1 karma

I assume you've designed in different environments. Which one was/is your favourite?

pathn1 karma

Have you ever done any "corporate esponage-" like work? Like getting information for one company to another in order for them to be able to compete?