Highest Rated Comments

passandmove44 karma

There's a thread of disdain that runs through a lot of the commentary online about you. People basically see you as a weirdo loner: a guy who's a law student but doesn't really go to law classes (not that that's rare), who has no friends, and displays no interest in anything beyond the printable gun project. So: do you have friends that aren't 3D guns or somehow associated with the 3D project broadly understood? What do you do to have fun? Why are you bothering to finish a law degree?

passandmove32 karma

What is your objective, overall? (I know others have danced around this question but it's still not clear to me.) Is it simply to demonstrate the limitations of this legal regime of control (which are similar to the limitations of any legal regime of control), or do you want to turn this into something that will make you money once the demonstration is complete, or what?