Highest Rated Comments

panthera_tigress536 karma

College radio is also all live DJs. If there's a DJ on air at my station, they're right there in the studio and they picked the music themselves!

Source: I'm part of the University of Pittsburgh's college radio station. It's a good time.

panthera_tigress240 karma

Hi Hank!

What other topics do you see Crash Course covering in the future? I know I would love to see Crash Course Economics become a thing. What topic would you most like to do next?

Also, crunchy or smooth peanut butter?

Thank you (and John, and all the rest of Nerdfighteria) so much for all the awesome!

(Edited because I a word)

panthera_tigress89 karma


panthera_tigress83 karma

Reddit never forgets, they are like a team of highly motivated puppy-sized elephants with access to the interweb


panthera_tigress19 karma

I think we know about John's peanut butter preferences, though, given that every time we've seen him smear it on his face it's been smooth.