Highest Rated Comments

paigeypoohh2 karma

That makes sense! Idk what I'd do if I suddenly had to use a feeding tube & not eat "actual" food for the rest of my life. It was hard enough being on one for a short time in the hospital before. & ugh the dang swallow tests they make you before resuming a normal diet...I despise those lol

paigeypoohh2 karma

Whats it like to not eat actual food when others around you do? Do you ever taste things? Pardon me if these are stupid questions lol. While I too use a wheelchair it's not due to MD. I broke my neck at the age of 15 & it left me paralyzed from the chest down. (C4 & C5 spinal cord injury) I've been on feeding tubes a couple of times & that crap is so nasty smelling/tasting.✋ high five to my fellow wheelie :]