Highest Rated Comments

p_coletraine24 karma

Those are some gnarly scars! Seems like the surgeon wasn't exactly sure where to go in from =-/.....anyhow what cool stories have you two come up with to accompany your scars? Real life Aliens occurrence? Knife fight? Shark bite?

p_coletraine11 karma

This is Reddit

p_coletraine8 karma

What's the most difficult thing about life?

p_coletraine4 karma

ADA requires handicapped access and egress, you mean there are places without such accommodations?

p_coletraine3 karma

Let's assume that you had sufficient insurance and didn't hold a hospital at gun point to get your heart transplant and that your father wasn't about to blow his own brains out to give you his heart. If, in fact, that's what happened to you, then you may be a body builder.