Highest Rated Comments

overkil643 karma

Didn’t know I needed this before now.

overkil615 karma

Worked for Michael Crichton.

overkil62 karma

Thanks for doing this.

In 2005 Kingston Police were found to use racial profiling even though Kingston has a very small minority population. Is this still employed?

If so, why?

If not, why was it?

Edit: fixed link

overkil62 karma

Thanks for your humble answer.

In this case I don't think numbers are skewed. This study or possibly another, was requested by the KDP. 4 times more likely is 4 times more likely. Excerpt below:

The second study, which was conducted by University of Toronto criminologist Scot Wortley at the request of the Chief of the Kingston, Ontario police force, found that black people were 4 times more likely to be pulled over by police, and that aboriginal residents were 1.4 times more likely to be pulled over by police than white residents of Kingston. The study also found that 40 percent of Black males between the ages of 15 and 24 were stopped by police during the study year, compared to 11 percent of their white counterparts, and abut 10 percent of 7 the stops involving a Black person resulted in an arrest or charge compared to 6 percent of the stops involving whites (Wortley, 2005).


Kingston doesn't exactly have a large Black population...

Again, thanks for doing this today. KPD's social media presence has been great to date!