Highest Rated Comments

orchardraider142 karma

Thanks for doing this! Always wondered about you guys since I watched War Games as a kid. So, couple of questions:

  1. Are you armed, and if so, are you expected to 'persuade' your crewmate if he won't turn the key when the order comes?

  2. You mentioned retargeting your missiles in one answer. Do you know where your missiles are pointed, or is it more a case of typing in some opaque code that the computer uses to set up the coordinates? (I'm pretty sure you don't have a map of the world on a screen with a mouse-controlled crosshair on it, but maybe you get to see the lat/long.)

orchardraider1 karma

My immediate thought on reading the headline was, "Has to be Dutch." Did not disappoint :)

You mention in one of your answers about having soft skin. It's an aspect I'd never thought of before. Is it softer because of the lack of hair, or has it actually changed due to the process? (Smaller pores, maybe?)

If money were no object, what & where would you be flying?