Highest Rated Comments

oppreciate3 karma

Jason, you are so talented and turning in such a brilliant performance in THE VISIT. Thank you so much for taking the time to do this AMA!


What is it like working with John Doyle? Could you elaborate a bit on his process or elements of the rehearsal period of THE VISIT that you found effective or unique? I’m an aspiring musical theatre director and am fascinated by his work.

oppreciate2 karma

That is fantastic. Thank you so much for sharing that!

I have to ask, how far had she gotten in her studies? Did the cast give her a positive assessment? Clearly hotel security did not....

oppreciate2 karma

You are such an incredible actor and singer - thank you so much for so many wonderful nights at the theatre.

You once said “A night out with [Patti LuPone] is not for the faint-hearted.” What’s your craziest Patti LuPone story?