Highest Rated Comments

only___dar___ic232 karma

Thanks for doing this! AriZona Fruit Punch for 99c is the best gas station grab ever.

What is your preferred beer nowadays? Do you have a brand or style you go to?

only___dar___ic129 karma

YOU ARE NOT TOLKIEN. I hate to say this, but nobody cares about all the worldbuilding you did. Not up front, anyway. Learn to write engaging characters and dialogue first.


I feel seen. And I take your advice to heart. Thank you.

only___dar___ic16 karma

Almost as if they have to cross an ocean or something!

only___dar___ic15 karma

I totally understand it. I've played Dungeons & Dragons for more than two thirds of my life now, and I always loved the world building exercise and experience. Am now currently trying to translate that into the first short story (with hopefully more........).

only___dar___ic3 karma

Thanks for the answer! Love what your company does!