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onecraftymama9 karma

My mother contracted Hep C (she works in a hospital) before I was born, and thus far I have never tested positive for it. Is there any risk that it could be dormant in my body and show up later in life?

She underwent treatment for it when it was still very much "new" and it was a miserable experience for her, but she is cured now! Just last year my dad ended up getting treated for it, and said all he had to do was take a pill for a few weeks, and he felt fine. It's really amazing how it can be cured, and how the cure itself has improved over time.

onecraftymama3 karma

Hey, I'm from Pearisburg! The trail comes out right in front of my house off of Angel's Rest. I used to hike up that part of the AT to my best friends every day during the summer. I used to sit on my front porch and watch the hikers come out of the trail and they would stay at the hotel directly in front of my house. I met so many wonderful people growing up there!

Sorry, I just got really excited because it's such a small town, and you actually remembered it :p

Good luck on your journey!