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ondancefloors2 karma

It's commonly called "special k." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketamine

ondancefloors1 karma

I have been extolling the virtues of ketamine for therapeutic reasons for quite a while now. Unfortunately, it does not seem to be available in non-metropolitan areas. I would love it if this treatment were more readily available, but from what I understand even asking about it in a lot of cases gets a patient marked as "drug seeking," and turned down with a flat no. How did you get started with ketamine treatment? Did you start off using it recreationally then mention it to your doctors? I am afraid to ever mention "Hey, such and such "street drug" helps more than these prescriptions" because of that drug seeking stigma I've had attached to me for pretty much my entire adult life. :(

I apologize if this has been answered.