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okaybudday1283 karma

Hey Steve-o, huge fan! I actually put in an "AMA request" for you 3 months ago hoping you could come open the eyes of fans who didn't get a chance to see your documentary. To me, it was life changing. I can't thank you enough for the countless hours of entertainment you brought to my friends and I, at the expense of your life. Your change in lifestyle is inspiring and I just want to say congrats.

In that original thread I was required to ask five questions to post it, if you could answer any one of them I would be incredibly happy.

Thanks for taking the time to do this!

My 5 Questions:

  1. What's the worst stunt you've ever done?
  2. What was the most fun stunt you've ever done?
  3. What's your biggest regret? And what in your life are you most proud of?
  4. Are you 100% sober now?
  5. Do you credit Johnny Knoxville and Jeff Tremaine for saving your life? Where do you think you would be now if they didn't step in when they did?

okaybudday187 karma

Holy shit! Thank you so much for answering everything!

Don't worry about the plug, I'm sure everyone here would love to pick up your book Professional Idiot: A Memoir.

You seriously just made my year.

okaybudday18 karma

I probably would have kicked the wall in to be honest.

okaybudday3 karma

I think you highly over estimate the strength of drywall.