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oitshim6 karma

So, alot of strides have been made in uplifting financial prosperity of African Americans in this country. Alot of doors are being forced open and alot of first generation wealth is being made. For these individuals, this is uncharted territory for entire families. Your parents, aunts, uncles, dont understand your particular set of problems to offer practical advice. And the individual is left to navigate a world that is totally brand new to the, as they figure out which values to keep and release from the old world.

I personally have questions about raising children (of which I have yet to have). My scrappy underdog story is what has been the fule in my career. I have used my pain and the memory of nights without as a driving force for going that extra mile to gain accomplishments. My children won't have to deal with that. I guess that I am broken in a sense to think that the fear of pain and being without is the strongest motivation for success. I have with witnessed alot if powerful individuals with mediocre (at best) children, due to laziness and entitlement. I want to have a positive relationship with my future children without beating them down with the idea if work ethic and success, but continuing progress for future generations is a big concern of mine. Would you have any suggestions on navigating this delima?

Thank you!