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oceanic31617 karma

Randall - As a Korean-American, I think a lot about how Asians are portrayed in movies/TV, or if they get portrayed at all (latest example, I was excited to see BD Wong have a decent role in Jurassic World, along with Brian Tee's brief role). But I realize that there's still a ways to go before an Asian is, like gonna be cast as the next Marvel hero.

Do you think we eventually get to the point where Asian-Americans are in lead roles on a normal basis? How far away are we? How do you feel about the progress, whether from what you've seen or from your own audition experiences?

oceanic3163 karma

Thanks for your answer. I'm excited for your career too as things progress. Been a fan since the Asian Jim scene.

oceanic3161 karma

Do you still watch Modern Family? Your persistence in critiquing it despite negative comments was admirable, especially because it came at a time when I was doubting the show myself and wondering if I should quit it. Meanwhile, friends loved it and raved about it, and I felt I could trust you to offer a criticism of it while still liking it some; just not as much as others did.

Once I stopped watching it, I didn't miss it, and I was shocked to see Luke Dunphy several years later after a notable growth spurt. Barely recognized him. If you still watch it, do you find that it holds up at all compared to its earlier years?