Highest Rated Comments

ocdblackmage232 karma

Not a vet, no family of friends who are, but you guys do some great work. No matter how I may personally feel about our military actions, I love that there is support for when Americans come home.

ocdblackmage17 karma

But that's what your cover letter is. Your resume is about why you are qualified, your cover letter is you explaining to them why you are better than everyone else.

ocdblackmage16 karma

Thank you for doing this ama, and for answering in the manner you are. Every election, I understand why the candidates don't answer questions like this, but wish they would.

Do you see any signs of more moderates coming on? It seems that every big candidate is either waaaaay one way or another, as if there is zero chance of a serious candidate supporting gay marriage and opposing harsher gun control. What's a voter to do when is seems candidates just go right down these party lines? Vote independent, knowing it won't matter?

ocdblackmage13 karma

Boris the sneaky fuckin Russian.

ocdblackmage12 karma

To question your answer, are you looking for materials that are USA abundant? It will only help so much if we are still dependant on trade for vital materials.