Highest Rated Comments

obscurehero15 karma

Weird and true. Grew up in a Christian home. I was encouraged to question. I became a scientist and love critical thinking... Largely due to encouragement from my Christian parents. They were actually concerned when my sister was less questioning of her faith growing up...

Now I have an adult sister who's a Wiccan and there was no excommunication or even talk of it...

obscurehero7 karma

What about all the insider activity in the weeks leading up to the collapse?

Seems like they knew the ship was sinking

obscurehero5 karma

Employment is part of the Fed’s dual mandate, but I’m pretty sure that’s via monetary policy.

obscurehero2 karma

With some of the recent movement of Russian electronic warfare trucks as well as the escalation in rhetoric, have you had to start making plans for the possibility of being cut off from the outside world electronically?

Likewise, have you had to make contingency plans should things escalate further?

I imagine you can't be terribly candid about this.

obscurehero1 karma

its hard to know when a thug seizes control of their government and journalists are beaten and international observers are shunned.