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nutyourself50 karma

This is exactly why I'm fighting so hard now to help people from more diverse backgrounds get into companies like Facebook. We need need qualified engineers to fight for their views as well.

You're joking right? You think the solution to the Evil that is FB is more diverse engineers?

Jesus, man.. You're a smart dude, so I have to assume you know what you're doing here. Maybe this level of deflection and pretend wholesomeness works on some people, but some of us see you.

nutyourself44 karma

Let's not beat around the bush, FB is notorious on this issue for a reason. Privacy aside, the manipulation that FB is/has been doing, on ALL levels, is atrocious and frankly, cancerous to our society.

In the end, I guess the best you can say is that you were just following orders. Hope the paycheck and your career growth was worth the affect you've had on our world.

nutyourself3 karma

So I asked as if Michael was Facebook, answering for their sins and for that I apologize.

weellllll... sorry but this is the old "was just following orders" excuse. If you chose to work for the devil, you bear some responsibility. Sorry. Just my point of view.

ps - thanking him for his "courage" is bullshit. This is a marketing campaign for his new company

nutyourself2 karma

Sorry but this is a load of BS.

That narrative isn’t true and isn’t helpful. While some tech does addict some people, the vast majority of us are not pathologically addicted.

The vast majority of instagram/facebook users would have a hard time going too long without checking their timeline (aka, getting that dopamine hit).

I've read Hooked and the book is very upfront about getting users "engaged"... but let's get real, whether we use fancy words like "engaged" or "hooked", do we really mean something other than addicted.

Most people aren’t addicted, they’re just distracted Bullshit. Yeah, I get that someone's Facebook "addiction" may not technically fit the DSM definition, but calling it a distraction just shows the kind of corporate-speak bullshit you're clearly eating. Your defense hides in definitions and technicalities but at the end of the day, you are contributing to habit forming... There's nothing healthy about this.

It's a fucking problem. For a lot of people. You taught companies how to profit off of it and profited yourself as well.