Highest Rated Comments

noxnoctum9 karma

Are you optimistic about the medical community finding a real cure at some point?

I know it's next to meaningless since I'm a random internet stranger but I'd do anything to help people in your situation. It's completely fucked.

noxnoctum2 karma

How big a focus are you putting on the AI (i.e. having one that is challenging)? AI is always a make or break issue for me with 4X games.

noxnoctum1 karma

What is your opinion on psychedelics? Not just their possible utility (or lack thereof) but their relationship to the human mind in general. TBH to me they are maybe the strangest, most mysterious thing in the natural world. (at least on earth)

There's a research unit at John Hopkins conducting studies in this kind of thing that I've been following that's quite interesting.

noxnoctum1 karma

From what I've read alcoholism is a serious problem in Russia. Why do you think that is? How do Russians feel about wine and whiskey?

TBH the alcoholism thing reminds me of how it's a pretty big problem in the US, but I always assumed the reason for that here (I'm American) is because of the stigma associated with the prohibition in the early 20th century. It's like we have an inherently less healthy relationship with it as compared to say Italy, France or Germany. (who all have big wine/beer cultures but less binge drinking)