Highest Rated Comments

notrobpierce2 karma

Is there a sequel to this? What happened to the plants? The flowers? What about the Gaax who tends them?

notrobpierce2 karma

He's one of the greats! I hope to collaborate with him one day. If he did a kickstarter, I'd support it!

notrobpierce2 karma

Oh yeah, sure, next thing you'll try and convince me of is that Aquaman isn't actually looking over the ocean's safety and Captain Planet actually owns Exxon Mobil

notrobpierce1 karma

My body is slowly being replaced with 500 million year half-life isotopical metallexcrose, my brain will be downloaded onto the new Kurzweil Z-brain metacloud, and I will continue to live. I will never die.

notrobpierce1 karma

Hi, I'm here for the gan... oh. So, what's your take on Superheroes or Supervillains dying permanently? I guess Superman has definitely died at the hands of Doomsday, and potentially to a room of golden Kryptonite, but the character persists. I love the idea of creating an awesome character and then killing it in grand fashion. Wasshu think man?