Highest Rated Comments

notoyrobots21 karma

You don't even have to pay for self publishing anymore, FYI.

Also, getting an ISBN number is also pretty easy.

notoyrobots20 karma

He clearly explained the drawbacks of Wordpress - it's not the platform, it's the third party extensions that cause issues. Not every developer uses extensions. Personally I use WP for small clients that don't require them.

notoyrobots5 karma

I would not eat myself, but I would eat other hot dogs!!!!

Wouldn't that be a form of cannibalism?

notoyrobots5 karma

I lived at Warren St almost right across from the tube station and as of a year and a half ago when I moved FTTC wasnt available still.

notoyrobots2 karma

Minoxidil is slightly more regulated in Europe - you can still get it but sometimes requires a prescription and if not usually you at least have to speak to a pharmacist first. Compared to the states where I could buy it at WalMart, lol.