Highest Rated Comments

notjabba136 karma

Yeah, good luck getting Republican science deniers to support you.

notjabba38 karma

How much fraud, in monetary terms, do you uncover in a typical year? How does this compare with your salary?

notjabba35 karma

Any chance evangelicals will step back after their losing fight to marginalize and criminalize gay people and learn to mind their own fucking business?

notjabba29 karma

What cap would you support specifically? Do you have a schedule for reducing the cap over time?

Would you be willing to vote for Democrats as committee for leadership positions if they support cap and trade and their Republican opponent opposes the same and perhaps even denies the existence of climate change?

notjabba27 karma

You say you are an ecologist who supports climate action, yet as a Republican you would organize with the party of science denial, empowering opponents of action.

What would you actually do to prevent climate change?