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notimetoexplainrun230 karma

Hey fellow snowboarder here!

Do people ever recognize you in the winter gear? Also what's your favorite resort?

notimetoexplainrun14 karma

Where do you guys sleep on the ship? I know there's crew bunks but are there extra bunks for you or do you improvise?

notimetoexplainrun10 karma

I see in another comment in this post you said you like to jump out of planes. BASE jumping ever cross your mind while you're up there?

For those that don't know, the A in BASE stands for antenna. Building, Antenna, Span, Earth

notimetoexplainrun5 karma

Thanks for this Ama!

I've always been fascinated by NASA including going to the Atlantis rollover at KSC and visiting the exhibit a few years later, I'm wondering how the size of the SLS boosters compare to the SRBs from the Shuttle Era?

notimetoexplainrun2 karma

Since a lot of people are against corporate lobbying with our government, can anything be done to stop it when the same people benefiting from it are the same people that could stop it?