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not_castor_pollux5 karma

maui was great, one of my favorite hospitals. John Mills ED doc there definitely the coolest doctor I've ever met. im a phlebotomist, and we get shit on a lot, and that dude treated us great. life on the island is as good as it seems like it would be, waking up in paradise everyday. I never really realized how many people die on vacation. in a place like maui you see a lot of that. there's also cool shit that doesn't happen in other places like shark attacks/tsunami's. and then its like 73 degrees ever day ever so that's nice.

not_castor_pollux4 karma

I worked in the ED in Maui, and there is no drunk tank on the island, so all the drunk assholes picked up end up in the psych room in the ED.

not_castor_pollux3 karma

from my experience in healthcare, being a doctor seems like one of the worst jobs I've ever considered. the fuckin stress, taking work home, all the endless menial shit that is peripheral to saving someone's life. insurance, malpractice, all that stuff takes its toll.