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nosillaprincesa483 karma

Yes! It's amazing! it took me a while to get adjusted to the blind trust many of the sweet children i visit have (now i get why a lot of religions encourage their believers to emulate the strength of faith exhibited by the young, lol)

the majority of them take me completely for face (and costume) value... i think in their heads, i haven't given them a reason to NOT believe that i am who they "know" i am, so the thought of deception doesn't even pop into their heads...

i had one little girl that got extremely upset at me while i was being Elsa for not displaying my ice powers, but she was mainly upset at me (as Elsa), not as me (random girl in wig) for deceiving her... again, i don't think many of them have the experience to conceive of that as an option yet... oh to be young, ha

nosillaprincesa417 karma

oh god, yes! but not as often as i though it would happen, actually... probably because i have real blue eyes, pitifully pale skin, and a high-pitched voice (kids are extremely visual) which they connect to the majority of disney female characters (disney fails at being diverse)

but when i do get that, usually it's from an older brother or sister who's in the "i know santa isn't real and i'm going to tell everybodYYY" phase, haha! usually i go, "i'm not the real me?" and start pinching myself, "who am I?" and look frantic...the children all laugh and rush to reassure me/shun the nonbeliever... ;) i usually don't have to do much work when it comes to that! SHUN THE NONBELIEVER, CHILDREN

nosillaprincesa347 karma

Lots of stories, i'll give you a few from most recent!

  1. Last minute party (got a 30 minute heads up) drove to party venue, found assistant in parking lot, ended up turning into cinderella in front of a basketball court (the cars were too small to put on the petticoat inside of them), the facial expression of the players was priceless, lol

  2. Missing tights for my alice in wonderland costume, 5 minutes until party, dashed into a cvs (in the middle of a really bad part of town)... security suddenly appears in front of the aisle i'm frantically searching tights for, and demands to know "why are you here?" Turns out people had shopliftws from that CVS a few weeks earlier and used friends dressed in costumes to distract the employees, lol... needless to say when my coworker/friend walked in a few moments later dressed as the Mad Hatter to see what was taking me so long their suspicion failed to ebb, lol

  3. One of my petticoats snapped while I was dancing as Cinderella (at a library of all places), so i ended up sitting in the middle of the floor while Belle had the children dance around me until i could dash into a random open door in search of a safety pin.. A librarian stapled my petticoat waistband, but then wouldn't let me return to the party until i sung her a line from the Roger and Hammerstein musical, hahaha

nosillaprincesa339 karma

Aw, thank you! It really is a rewarding job, especially for one I can do part-time while in college! The sweetest times in my job are definitely when I'm greeted with (what i call) a run-jump-and-hug... the ones that treat me like a well-known friend (which is more often than not), instead a scary stranger :)

I've had little kids just stare at me in awe and say: "thank you so much for coming!" I had a little girl hug me and whisper in my ear, "i love you so much!" A little girl brought her shy sister to come meet me and had me hug both of them at once, which caused the older sister to exclaim, "now you're our sister too!"

this little girl was obsessed with my wings: https://scontent-b-mia.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/t1/1501784_10151813618365740_656372936_n.jpg

this was one of my first parties, this girl ran to me the moment she saw me: https://scontent-b-mia.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/t1/1395878_10151705237460740_294298953_n.jpg

ahh, all very gratifying for certain :) especially visiting hospitals, when you can truly just give a sick baby a bit of magic, at least for a moment :) a weak smile or laugh is so precious when it's coming from a hospital bed.

nosillaprincesa313 karma

too late, disney did that already :(