Highest Rated Comments

noodlez222337 karma

Thanks for doing these AMA's. I'm proud to say that you had my first ever vote for president in 2012 and if you choose to run in 2016, you'll have my vote again. I just ordered your book this morning and can't wait to read it.

I'm only 19, but politicians such as yourself and Ron Paul have inspired me to consider a political career. What do you think is the best way to get involved and do you have any advice?

Thanks for being awesome.

noodlez222185 karma

What is the most important thing you learned from your campaigns?

noodlez222160 karma


noodlez22298 karma

How can we trust you to lead the nation when you avoid the hard questions about animal companionship?

/sarcasm :)

noodlez22287 karma

When I was around 12 years old, I noticed my arm started twitching a lot and didn't know wtf was happening. I don't remember all the details but I eventually went to a neurologist who diagnosed me.

I was actually diagnosed around the time the South Park episode on tourettes came out so nobody at school believed me at first.