Highest Rated Comments

no_bun_please165 karma

Are there certain companies that are found to be more pure? Or certain companies that are worse offenders?

no_bun_please29 karma

Dialysis in the US is expensive, Jon Oliver did a segment on the evil profit driven dialysis companies here. Unfortunately, you can't really skip a dialysis treatment to save money. You go as many times as you need to to keep from getting sick or dying.

no_bun_please11 karma

Thank you for asking a real question.

no_bun_please5 karma

PA student here. I'm pretty sure this was taught to us as an elderly/obese person's disease. Maybe that misconception is why it took you so long to get diagnosed. Thank you for sharing.

no_bun_please3 karma

Oh ok, thanks! I was starting to second guess myself and was going to look it up in my notes. Unfortunate for misconceptions to be taught but now I know.