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nitefang485 karma

In the video it says he showed the video at a college in Michigan. Someone must have been recording, WE MUST FIND THE TAPE!

nitefang158 karma

Well I nearly died there with plenty of food, water, shelter and a vehicle, I just did not realize I was getting dehydrated. That place IS death valley. Besides the heat, if you are off roading you need to keep close attention to your surroundings, there are tons of unmarked mine-shafts that just drop hundreds of feet. If you are on a bike or ATV it probably means death, if you are in a car or truck it might be survivable as the car will get stuck on the way down but you would still need a crane to get out. Then there are the snakes which are deadly, the scorpions and spiders which are dangerous and the wasps and bees which are painful. Lastly there are the crazy drunk people with guns, death valley is fucking deadly.

nitefang44 karma

If you go to Missouri you have to visit Lambert's It is a really cool resturant that my family used to go to every summer when we visited family. Their food is not bad at all but they are known for their "thrown rolls" When you order, you do not get many sides, instead people come around with things like mashed potatoes and okra and stuff like that. Then a few guys come out with a large tray and extremely hot rolls and start yelling "ROLLS GET YOUR ROLLS" and you put your hand up and they literally throw you the rolls from across the room. The rolls are extremely delicious but also very hot so you have to catch it and then drop it on the table really quick. They also give you giant cups and I swear they do this so that at least once a day a roll lands in a cop of soda. It really is an awesome place and I think there are only two in the country, one near Springfield Missouri and one in another state (not sure where).

nitefang33 karma

I eat too much meat as it is. I will never completely stop but I honestly think that if everyone could cut their meat consumption in half we would have a HUGE impact on the world. Not just animal rights but health, reforestation, lower emissions, and more land capable of housing people are the ones I can think of off the top of my head. In theory it won't even negatively effect job markets on a large scale. As the demand for meat falls the demand for replacements such as vegetables will increase.

nitefang32 karma

My question is, how much do you think an autistic person should try and adapt to the world they live in versus how much should society and those around that person adapt to them?

I want to give a little backstory to explain where I am coming from in asking this question.
I am unofficially high functioning autistic. My official diagnosis was ADD which I received around the year 2000. The psychologist told me and my parents that I was "text-book Asperger's" but he cautioned against giving me an official diagnosis as such because he felt that the diagnosis would negatively impact my life and that the condition wouldn't affect me nearly as much as some might think it would.

My parents have always been very supportive and helped me find ways to work around things that bothered me. But I also tried very hard to overcome things instead of change things. For example, social constructs have never come naturally to me but I've studied how people act and have tried to imitate it instead of asking people to deal with my rudeness. I may not really understand why some things are rude but because I have learned what manners are I have tried to follow them. Another example would be that I found that a sandwich in a plastic bag bothered me to no end, the soggy bread and "plastic baggyness" of the sandwich made it disgusting to me. For a time my mom would wrap my sandwiches in butcher paper but eventually I just forced myself to eat sandwiches in plastic bags because I knew logically there was nothing wrong with it. Forcing myself to "get over" things that bothered me like this has helped me greatly in life and has made me a very adaptable person. But I understand for some people with autism it might be impossible to over come certain issues they have.