Highest Rated Comments

nineran94 karma

Where do you get your questions?

I’ve been recommending your booklet in all the journaling subs so that folks who are too attached to their books to fill it still use the questions. I found it so useful — thank you for making this product!

Will it ever be not-free?

nineran5 karma

r/journaling is the primary journaling sub. This is a big community and a good place if you’re beginning to journal. They have prompts, they answer questions, and they are generally slightly journal obsessed. I’m stalkery at r/journalingisart -- the art journaling sub -- for prompts and curiosity. I haven't art journaled in a couple years.

I personally am active at r/notebooks and at r/bujo and r/bulletjournal — because I mostly BuJo.

And more generally, commonplace notebooks come up in: r/stoicism r/nosurf and r/selfimprovement

Edit: Also your specific journal/planner may have its own sub: I stalk r/midori because I’m currently too intimidated to use mine, but many more exist (Hobonochi comes to mind).

Edit2: DYAC.

nineran1 karma

Do you believe that objectivity is a value media/journalists should strive for?

As opposed to, say, transparency?