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night_delights-6 karma

For me, the biggest con can be summed up in one word. Uncertainty.

For me, that's the biggest con of "remain". Europe is constantly changing. You're only 20-something so you're actually probably rather unaware of how much change has actually occurred in the last decade much less since the 70s.


Sure, with Brexit there's necessary change. Regulatory change. Trade relations negotiations. But here's the thing: with Brexit comes more flexibility!

So the question isn't whether there will be change. The question is whether we can do anything about it!

night_delights-11 karma

I'm an Aussie and British national, too, and because I care about Britain I believe it should Brexit.

If we both came from countries that manage very well as independent countries why should we keep Britain beholden to the very people that were bombing it 70 years ago?

If my Australian great-uncle had spent his time in a German prisoner-of-war camp knowing Germans were going to get superior travel rights to the United Kingdom - he'd have thought: fuck these ungrateful British.

night_delights-11 karma

The future is always unknown. If you drift in life expecting things to never change then you are unprepared for the certain change that is coming!

I think Britain has let itself down and weakened itself. Everybody talks as if Europe will save us - but we need to be able to take responsibility for ourselves.

I would argue for change and reform within ahead of exit, to avoid short-term (and I mean 5-10 years not months) impact, which will undoubtedly, have a negative impact on people, particularly the younger generation.

Firstly you will never get reform out of Europe. An ever growing institution does not cut back. Ever. It's all or nothing.

Your lack of respect for the young generation is sickening. Don't you want to make a better country for younger people? Don't you give a fuck?

Why would you enslave younger people to the European Union - just so a tiny privileged proportion can go get an education in German or Italian? Most younger people will stay in Britain and want jobs and a future here. So we must do what is best for the country to give that very youth a better life.

It is disgusting to talk about "remain" as being the solution to all young people's problems. Utter hogwash. Look at Spain with 50% youth unemployment!!! What is Europe doing for young people - I'll tell you, it is fucking them over like you wouldn't believe.

What the hell did you study? Some kind of masturbation course? Because you sound like you don't know shit and are desperately denigrating the United Kingdom and young people with emotional arguments that have no basis in fact.

night_delights-11 karma

You've lived your whole life in a country that was part of the EU. You have no concept of what independence might feel like.

Personally I think you're scared. And that fear is preventing you from accepting the cold, hard facts of what Europe is, how Europe has changed, and the threats that Europe is to British culture and its standing in the world.

You're dressing up your fear as "facts" when in fact you are burying your head in the sand!