Highest Rated Comments

nickj_7773 karma

We live in an era of Tucker Maxes, Kanye Wests and Machiavelli Moms. Since you have a background in the Classics do you think there will be a big push against egoism, narcissism, and self-aggrandizing behaviour? Do you think there will be a trend towards stoicism, emotional intelligence, and self-awareness? A Kantian push the treats people not as an ends possibly?

nickj_7771 karma

What is your opinion on Nassim Taleb. His philosophical treatises Anti-fragile, Black Swan and Fooled by randomness have Montaigne, Seneca and Nietzche written all over them.

nickj_7771 karma

How will you make your social intelligence book different from David Brook's Social Animal or Daniel Goleman's Social Intelligence?

nickj_7771 karma

Thank you for your responses. One last question how should we live in a world where there are those who are trying to make it a worse place everyday? Fight fire with fire? Avoid them?