Highest Rated Comments

newesteggs1055 karma

Serious question: why do you keep doing AMAs?

newesteggs9 karma

I apologize if that came across as rude, reading it again it does seem to have an aggressive tone to it. I just thought it was a bit odd that you've had four amas in under a year... seems to be against the idea of iama. Plus it reminds me of this guy who posted that same ama a billion times just trying to sell his book. I have nothing against you or your journey, it's awesome, I guess I just don't like self-promotion. Even if it's just because you're trying to make your dream come true.

newesteggs5 karma

McDonalds: the worlds most prevalent and cheap internet café.

newesteggs2 karma

I'm a bit sad that nobody here seems to have done hitchhiking in both Europe and the USA, but maybe I can get an answer here anyway.

I'm from the US but have lived in Europe for a good long time, and have done a tiny little bit of hitchhiking in Romania, but other than that I've abstained. However, this summer I'm kinda dreaming of going West coast to East in the USA for a summer job! In Europe, I met many people who had hitchhiked when they were younger and/or still did hitchhike. It seems to me that in Europe in general, hitchhiking is generally less taboo. It may not be completely culturally acceptable (depending of country/region of course), but it's far closer than it is the USA. Correspondingly, I've never met a single person in my life from the US who either hitchhikes, picks up hitchhikers, or associates anything other than instant death with hitchhiking.

While I'd be pretty comfortable hitchhiking in Europe, I have a hard time convincing myself it would be a good idea in the US. I would think that only exceedingly countercultural, alternative, or even mentally ill people would ever pick me up because it's just so darn frowned upon.

What do you guys make of this?

newesteggs2 karma

Yeah, alcoholism isn't really that good for you...

Please note, people, that it is possible to to such trips without liver corruption :(