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nessnessthrowaway6 karma

Do you have nystagmus in addition to the visual impairment? My daughter has nystagmus and constant alternating exotropia (without albinism), and we are good friends with the family of a young boy who has albinism, exotropia, and nystagmus.

nessnessthrowaway3 karma

Interesting! Yeah, the young boy has quite severely impacted vision as well. He has accessed fantastic resources from the CNIB here in Canada, and I've started looking into resources for my daughter as well. My daughter has moderately bad astigmatism in addition to her nystagmus and exotropia, and we're waiting to see if one eye becomes more dominant to the point where they will only need to operate on one eye instead of both.

The young boy already had one strabismus surgery when he was an infant, but my daughter's didn't present until she was two years old (the nystagmus was present from sometime around 3-6 months).