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nebenbaum3 karma

"the AI" - as in basic image processing. That everyone does already.

nebenbaum2 karma

Depends. A government would suggest stocking up sometimes, under specific circumstances. For example if the government suspected that their own supply lines might break down in the future (due to for example, war)

If that happens, the government gets every grocery into overdrive, and tells people to stock up for x amount of time.

Or, as the swiss government is doing, they tell you to stock up on something to survive on, should worst come to worst, for like a week. So, like 5kg of pasta or rice per person. That's not anywhere near the shit people are buying.

nebenbaum1 karma

I'm probably late, and I'm also not from the USA, so I probably won't ever work for NASA, but I'm just interested:

How heavily do you value grades? I'm personally enrolled in an electrical engineering program in Switzerland, and really, I can't bother to learn explicitly for tests, so my grades are always mediocre - between 70-90%. I know I could achieve straight A's if I put in a lot of effort to learn specifically for tests, to solve all possible questions on tests as quickly as possible; but I can't be bothered, as I understand the subject matter and will keep understanding it to the same extent later; I'm confident I could achieve the same grade on those tests in 5 years without preparation. I don't see the point in spending countless hours, that I could instead spend on learning different things I don't know yet, just to study for tests, to get an A instead of a B, C or D, without getting any deeper understanding of the subject matter. (Also keep in mind the grading system might be different: In my university, an A is 95%-100% (depending on the subject, sometimes it's only a perfect 100%), a E is 60% and all other grades are spaced 'equally'- so a D is 70%, C is 80, B is 90.)

It's never been a problem for me so far in my professional life (I'm already working in the field, as my country offers an apprenticeship program that goes on to university, so I've been working in the electrical engineering field nonstop ever since I was 16), but it'd be interesting to see a viewpoint from something like NASA.

nebenbaum-8 karma

The thing about trans people is: (and I'm not saying this against trans people - I personally don't like people doing it, but hey, as long as you're not forcing other people to become trans and only making the decision for yourself, it is just that; your decision)

They care enough about how to fit to 'norms' to pretend to be something they aren't. I'm sorry to break your illusion, but a male cannot, physically, be a female. An adult also can't be a child. A black person can't be a white person, a white person can't be a black person.

We're born with a certain DNA sequence that describes what we are. Hormones won't change that. Hormones only trick your body into making some more 'other gender' things. You're basically just becoming a man that has a lot of 'female' hormones, that maybe has his dick cut off.

I just think it's ridiculous people need to shoehorn themselves into something they aren't. Why can't you just be yourself, do what you like, not caring what other people think about you? If you want to wear dresses, play with barbies, wear makeup, things like that as a man - whatever. Just do it and don't care about people judging you. Don't try to 'conform to society' by grouping yourself in some retarded group. Don't desperately try to become something you aren't. Be yourself. Don't give a fuck about what you 'should' be.