Highest Rated Comments

nathanwpyle104 karma

ONE TIME it was a full train and I saw a beautiful woman and I was all "I'm going to go talk to her" and let me tell you not a single person was talking on that train. QUIET AS A AN OHIO LIBRARY.

So I crouch down a bit and say "Hello, my name is Nathan" and EVERYONE IS LISTENING

And she tells me her name is "EXAMPLE" (not her real name)

AND we chat briefly in front of everyone, just pleasant chatting. And then she got off the train and then I stayed on. And nothing ever came of it, but I felt this was the moment I was probably bravest in my 5.5 years here, just because of how quiet that train was.

nathanwpyle90 karma

awkwardly averts eyes

nathanwpyle61 karma

Here it is: https://scontent-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/t31.0-8/1119794_149910235208189_1449598341_o.png -

It didn't quite make the book, but I do feel it's important people know about it! (maybe it will go in the sequel)

nathanwpyle36 karma

Aw yessss! That makes my day - It will be a welcome break from the health books you probably read!

nathanwpyle31 karma

Looks away, out a window, in the distance.
