Highest Rated Comments

nate725267 karma

What's your stance on medical/ recreational cannabis? And what's your opinion on the idea that many of our politicians are sociopaths?

nate72575 karma

Sounds like the existing process is a great use of the American dollar! Lol.. But with the amount of taxes being brought in rn in states where it's legal, I think you should care very much! There's literally no other product readily available that could impact the United States in a better way than cannabis. Not only from the way you mentioned, which has beneficial social impacts, as well as monetary impact by cutting taxes spent on incarcerations, but also has the potential of adding incredible amounts of tax dollars through the sale of legal cannabis. I think as a piece of the machine that makes the country, as a whole, work- one should actively seek the most powerful methods of positive change. Thanks for responding!

nate7253 karma

I'm always coming up with ideas I'd like to make real. But like you said, it's hard to get the idea out there. What were some of your most effective strategies for accomplishing this, and do you recommend any books or information that you found that helped with this??

nate7251 karma

Thanks For replying!! I mean more along the lines of, once it was complete, how did you get it off the ground and marketed so people saw could see and buy it? Did you give some away in hopes of getting reviews, social media, did you use a marketing firm? Sorry, I should have been for specific with my question. Thanks again for replying!!

nate7251 karma

Holy shit! You said drugs caused this? Heroin?