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nasty-snatch-gunk324 karma

...and if so, how would you compare docking in KSP to real life?

nasty-snatch-gunk71 karma

Haven't you seen Daniel Jackson's documentary? My oh my, aren't you in for a treat, he basically documented his experience from 1997-2007, if that doesn't confirm it's existence, I don't know what will!

nasty-snatch-gunk71 karma

You realise that Turkey took in more than 3 times the amount of Syrians than that of Germany, and Lebanon 2 times as many Syrians right?

I'm a German resident, and I live in a major city, and I see refugees on a daily basis with no problems.

Ignoring the fact I'm just one person with one opinion, I'd like to point out, even if crime is brought in with a refugee crises. All that tells me, is that there are a huge percent of traumatised and troubled people who need help.

Do you even know why they left? What their options were? What they've sacrificed?

Do you think the majority of them even want to be here?

Tell me, if your country now was at war, that you and your family may be forced to fight, that there was drought and environmental issues, that you had such little options, what would you do? Would you stay, or would you seek refuge somewhere safer? I'd run like fuck, and I bet you would too.

Think over your opinions, really think, we are all the same, whatever our colour or beliefs, we all have the same needs, a d the need to feel safe is number 1.

nasty-snatch-gunk39 karma

It depends, if you have 30lbs of feathers against 15lbs of concrete. Then, naturally the 15lbs would be heavier.

nasty-snatch-gunk38 karma

Some pilots really have to be treated like idiots, unfortunately.

From a passengers pov this not very comforting to read