Highest Rated Comments

narwhal_571 karma

since who you are as "Satanists" is simply derivitive of who you are not, this is kind of ironic.

narwhal_308 karma

Yeah, he got the shape right and everything!

narwhal_28 karma

Are you able to receive mental health treatment for your mental conditions in Russia? Is this provided free to the military? How are mental conditions like PTSD and bipolar perceived in Russia; is there a stigma?

narwhal_21 karma

i remember him on some late night show, I think it was Conan, where another actress was there to plug a movie with Carrot Top, and MacDonald wouldn't stop making fun of her or the movie she was there to plug. So awkward and hiliarious!

narwhal_9 karma

I work in these materials daily (Dead Sea Scrolls, Codex Ephraemi Syri Rescriptus, etc.). I presumed St. Catherines had been thoroughly raked through by now. Is there anything of historical religious significance (say before 4th century) that you expect will soon see the light of day?