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n_eko7 karma

Hi Lior!

Thank you so much for taking the time to answer all these questions!

I was terminated for “engaging in conversation with a disgruntled employee” earlier this month. The employee in question was my direct manager who had given notice earlier that week and was still scheduled to work for three weeks. We went out for lunch after I was informed about her leaving the company (by upper management). I was led to believe that she was leaving the company on good terms and I was not advised that she was disgruntled in any way. She was asked to leave earlier than her three weeks and I was terminated the following morning.

My ROE states “dismissal” and I’m unsure if I will qualify for EI. If I do not qualify, would it be worth to fight for unjust dismissal?

I was also asked to log my overtime to take time off in lieu. However, I did not have time to take the time off before I was terminated and I was it paid my overtime. When I reached out, I was told my sick day pay covered my overtime. This was never discussed prior, and I’m unsure if it is worth filing a claim for unpaid wages?

Thank you again!

n_eko3 karma

Thank you so much for the response!

Is there any resources you could recommend for someone who is looking to file a wrongful dismissal claim and isn’t familiar with employment law? I tried contacting the labour board about this earlier, and they told me I had to go through a lawyer which might be costly.