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n3rdtown428 karma

One of my favorite memories includes you and my models hobby!! Years ago me and my buddy were really into Warhammer.I was over his house one night building/ painting some models when his sister mentioned Andy Milanakis was in town (the same town a lot of Kevin Smith movies are focused around). She left the us to our models as she drove into town to find Andy. An hour or so later, who would have thought, in comes Andy Milanakis and, behind him, you. In you two came while me and by buddy have our whole armies spread across the table. I was deadly embarrassed being that I was still in middle school and winced at the though of anyone finding out about my hobby. Next thing I know you are shooting the shit about warhammer models and how you played when you were younger! Thanks for being cool to two nerdy kids.

Just a weird story I wanted to share. I always get a kick out of the thought of that night!

n3rdtown21 karma

You're MORE broke then when you were in grad school?!

n3rdtown2 karma

Hey thanks for doing this! Personally, I like listening to my own music in the background as I play games.

My question, what few songs/albums/artists/whatever would you recommend I listen to tomorrow during NMS?