Highest Rated Comments

mywifemademegetthis111 karma

What has Reddit specifically gotten right in comparison to other social media outlets, and what has it gotten wrong in comparison? Can be from any perspective—functionality, ethics, fun etc.

mywifemademegetthis110 karma

On a scale of 1-10, how perfect was Dwight’s speech for accepting the salesman of the year award?

mywifemademegetthis54 karma

How many soccer stadiums per capita does Qatar have now? What can they possibly use them for in the future?

Edit: I’ll do the math. 8 stadiums for 2.8 million people = one stadium for every 350,000 people. Each of the stadiums can hold at least 40,000 people.

With only ~320,000 citizens, there will actually be more professional stadium seats than Qatari nationals.

Still no clue what to do with them after the tourney.

mywifemademegetthis37 karma

Is it true that you almost never need to wash jeans, or was that Levi’s CEO just weird?

mywifemademegetthis32 karma

I thought it'd either be an A or an A+, but I completely forgot that there's an A++