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mystik8933 karma

Man I have SO MANY questions. Given the difference in age ranges between Ella’s personalities, how did they reach agreement on topics such as “we don’t want integration”?

In this case my question is not as clear since it seems the oldest was 16yo, but what if there was a 30yo personality defending that only she can make a true adult decision about this, overriding everyone else? How do you coach this from a therapist perspective? Do people with DID usually recognize one of their personalities as the main one?

Being mindful of patient data protection, generalizing also this question: can a person with DID have personalities that are older than (and I’m sorry, I don’t know how to phrase this respectfully) the “real individual”?

mystik891 karma

Thank you for sharing, I’ll see what I can find about this case!

mystik891 karma

Thank you for answering. I’ve read the Scientific American article -this must have been such an exhausting and fascinating work for you. Thank you (and Ella) for sharing it with the world. I will keep reading the AMA and try to restrain myself, you have my mind buzzing with questions!