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myothermain7 karma

Thanks for doing this AMA! Big fan of Tudors/AGOT - you have a wonderful talent for playing power hungry sweethearts - "I want to be the queen" is one of my favorite exchanges on the show.

Question: What are your favorite books?

myothermain1 karma

I've been curious why there hasn't been an outcry over Homan Square in Chicago. I figured this is something the ACLU would have jumped on immediately - people being detained, shackled, and refused lawyers and phone calls. One man died in custody.

Is there a reason this hasn't gained national attention? What are your thoughts on this level of privacy invasion?

myothermain1 karma

So say you find something illegal in a kid's possession, unrelated to what the school asked you to search for. Would you have to report it? If so, wouldn't that be a warrantless search and the findings then void?

Secondly, our SRO would make a habit of following kids off school grounds to bust them for smoking, then escort the kid back to campus to search their stuff. Where does your jurisdiction end?

myothermain0 karma

Can I have two? Barbara Lee (CA) and Doc Hastings (WA)?

If not, I'll let you pick.

Thank you for the work you do. What got you into tracking money in politics? What did you want to be when you grew up?