Highest Rated Comments

mylarrito85 karma

Same reason non-handicapped people park at handicap spaces. They are dicks

mylarrito34 karma

Though you having a child with PKU doesn't stop someone else from having a child with PKU...

What ethnicity do you belong to? Since afaik, there are CRAZY variables of frequency between ethnicities. Iirc Fins have one of the lowest rates of ocurrence, while middle-eastern (sorry for being vague) have among the highest.

mylarrito21 karma

What was that about? Oryx&crake?

mylarrito19 karma

Which genres outside of SF do you enjoy to read the most? What are some books you've enjoyed reading this last year or so?

mylarrito13 karma

Thanks for the AMA, nice to see something other then the celeb-amas.

I wonder who's been running around downvoting every single post from the OP.

Yes I've heard of casualiama