Highest Rated Comments

myknifeguy287 karma

I’ve always thought that stainless steel (3-clad and above) are your best bet for material and safety. The problem with stainless is a lot of people don’t know how to cook with them. I’m going to link a video on how to use stainless steel pans, and if you follow the techniques in the video it’ll take your cooking game to new heights!

Stainless Video

myknifeguy233 karma

Average Kitchen:

- 3 Basic Knives (chef's knife, paring knife, and serrated bread knife)
- Cookware (2 frying pans, sauce pot, and dutch oven)
- Utensils (tongs, rubber scraper, some type of spatula for flipping)
- Strainer and Mixing Bowls (small, medium, large)
- Someone to do you dishes - kidding, but not really

myknifeguy152 karma

This is a fun one - I am going to admit I am late to the party on this one. I have a cherry pitter that can pit 8 cherries at the same time! After I use it I lift the top up and I’m amazed that it gets every pit every time.

myknifeguy104 karma

HA! I'm going to have to agree with you! I'll never forget driving through Washington D.C. and seeing a shack on the side of the road with a handwritten sign that said "Peruvian Charcoal Chicken". After smelling it for about a half mile, I had lost all conscious thought and pulled in and ate the best chicken of my life. My mouth is watering now - I'll never forget that! I still make it for employees and family, it's a fan favorite for sure. And we won't even get into the ceviche!

myknifeguy102 karma

I think this is a great question but I'm not sure I'm the expert to answer it for you. It's complex and nuanced and requires more thought than a quick paragraph answer. I like that you're thinking of this, and am a big supporter of the local people involved in the industry, as well as hospitality on a global scale. There are lots of changes on the horizon, and am looking forward to supporting the hospitality workers in whatever comes next. It's all about the people for me.