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mycatsucks2 karma

Is there any hope for people with permanent nerve damage and conditions like sciatica, as far as healing the nerves is concerned, if they are no longer being damaged currently?

mycatsucks2 karma

How can I get over stage fright and sing karaoke at a bar? I've always had stage fright for as long as I can remember. From the first time I had to give a speech in grade school in front of a class. I can't sing. I have no performance skills that I can grab onto. I can think clearly, realize I have no reason to fear, but I cannot control my body, voice, or feelings. This also happened at a recent court date and I had the case in the bag but still could not settle down. I was the plaintiff and the defendant wasn't even there. I had all the necessary paperwork and everything I needed to say was written down and memorized. Still shook like a leaf and could not control my voice or heart rate.

mycatsucks2 karma

Thanks so much for replying! It never occurred to me to not fight this energy! I will look into centering practices (open to suggestions), and check out your book. It sounds like it could be a real help. Thanks again!