Highest Rated Comments

mybandscks22 karma

My band actually does a cover of "Mr. Jones". My question is, are you going to sue?

mybandscks13 karma

How do you decide which songs are your "video worthy" songs? Do you have some kind of test audience or do you just pick your favorites?

I've heard accusations that the recent zombie attacks in Florida are all just you stirring up interest for an "Invasion Of The Not Quite Dead" video... explain yourself sir!

mybandscks13 karma

Nice try Counting Crows' lawyers...

mybandscks11 karma

I WIN!!! A bets a bet, I want my 2 bucks.

mybandscks11 karma

We like to think so, very catchy song and the crowd loves it. Always goes over well. Anytime you'd like to make a guest appearance we'd be happy to have you. hah