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my_kingdom_for_a_nap1 karma

I am currently reading Zulu Chest Cutter...and am fascinated. I found out about the book from Dr. Arthur McUnu, whom I work with (his autobiography). Have you read it? It deals primarily with the unrest in Soweto in the 70's....I am very curious to see how it compares with your current situation.

my_kingdom_for_a_nap1 karma

Funny enough, I got my book from Dr. McUnu...but I see there are some on Amazon... I found a few podcasts with interviews with McUnu as well. I have to say, after working with the man, and seeing his compassion with our patients and their families, I am more impressed with his ability to understand tragedy and suffering.

I would love to read more about Soweto...any suggestions?

my_kingdom_for_a_nap1 karma

Thank you so much! I appreciate your AMA...and I'd love to see you succeed!