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mtl4real7 karma

A quick google search of your name (I am so sorry to invade your privacy, this is a habit that will never die) showed me that you have the mosaic version of TS and that you had questions about your fertility. I am a male but my wife went through infertility questioning (for other reasons) and I can understand how this can be such a big deal for women (us men tend to not understand why it is a big deal until we live it).

For those who don't know, TS affects 1 in approx 5000 females. The mosaic version of it is 3 times rarer, so 1 in 15000.

About 5 or 6 months ago, I took part of a discussion forum on health issues and a doctor was talking about pregnancy for TS patients. From memory, what I remember was:

a) 5 years ago, it was out of the question. Today, it's possible but risky. In 5 years, chances are it will be an acceptable risk. The current rate of infertility treatments (embryo transfers) for TS patients is above 40% which is an amazing number if you look at other "risky" categories such as Asherman's.

b) The doctor said that one of the suggestions he always went through with his female TS patients was to look with them about cryopreserving their ovarian tissue to help the infertility treatments in the future. The only problem with this is the optimal age to take the tissue is not defined yet, more studies need to happen. But you should discuss with an experience doctor ASAP (depending on your age)

Now back to the AMA! You answered you were against abortion. If you were pregnant and were prenatal diagnosed with TS, you would go ahead with the birth? If so, is it because of religious belief/personal conviction or because you don't think TS is a good reason enough to terminate a pregnancy?

Good luck and I wish you all the best!

mtl4real7 karma

I think this is great. You have front row view on what is living with TS and yet, you are not only accepting it but would not consider it unacceptable to your child. This is up lifting!

Good luck!