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mrssamuelvimes3 karma

Thank you for doing this AMA. Are you aware of Lauren Dickason who was found guilty of murdering her three daughters in new Zeeland?

As far as I can recall she had 17 rounds of IVF but only 3 rounds were successful however the one resulted in a still birth at 18 weeks. Donor eggs were used for the eldest daughter and the twins.

I have heard that the IVF treatment is brutal on one’s hormones. Why would she go through 17 rounds of IVF and then murder her own kids that she wanted so much? Is it possible that the miscarriages as well as the hectic amount of brutal IVF treatments could have contributed to her mental state? She suffered from depression as a teenager would this have been taken into account when she saw her fertility specialists?

She did stop her anti depressant medication before leaving South Africa for new Zeeland as she said she felt better. Both her and her husband are/were medical doctors.

It is such a a horrible situation all around and I understand you have to be in a VERY dark place but I keep on thinking that all the fertility drugs she had to take must have played some role in her eventual actions.

Here is a link https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/lauren-dickason-trial-husband-describes-harrowing-fertility-journey-as-defence-probe-accuseds-mental-health-history/NRRZW6A2F5DCDBKCLID74NAZJQ/

mrssamuelvimes1 karma

My friend just lost his mom. She’d been sick for quite a while now and had quite a few close calls so he thought he was prepared for it but I think it’s hit him harder that he expected. He also wants to be strong for his kids.

I don’t live super close to him but we speak on the phone/WhatsApp every day. I dropped off a meal and some groceries for him the day before she passed and I do check in on him. What else can I do to help?

We’re both in our 40s but I’ve still got both my parents .